Teach your old student information system new tricks

InFlight creates a new user experience layer that sits on top of your existing student information system. No upgrades or changes to the underlying application are required, so you can go live quickly.


Extend the lifecycle of your current SIS

InFlight costs less and delivers a better student experience than upgrading your SIS or migrating to a new one, enabling you to get more value from your existing software investment.

Use web-standard technologies and in-house resources

Unlike creating user experience enhancements on platform, InFlight does not require specialized skills and resources. Modern web developers can use InFlight to develop and maintain the student experience.

Learn more about our digital campus experience

InFlight provides world-class accessibility with full WCAG 2.0 AA compliance


Lawsuits over Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) violations are on the rise and out-of-the-box accessibility features don’t measure up. InFlight is a fast, affordable way to ensure your SIS meets or exceeds WCAG 2.0 AA criteria for accessibility.

Use your existing tech stack to tackle new challenges:

Oracle Validated Integration Logo
touchnet logo
Drupal Logo
SharePoint Logo
WordPress Logo
Blackboard lms logo
Google logo
Salesforce logo
SmartyStreets logo

Find out how InFlight is making an impact in higher education

Find out how InFlight can make an impact on your bottom line and set your institution apart from others

With so much of the student experience occurring online and at a distance, it’s critical for the digital experience to reinforce the values and reputation of your school.

Let’s get started!